Saturday, May 24, 2008

Happy (almost) 1st Birthday to Me!

Elio's first birthday is just days away. We began celebrating today with a joint birthday party picnic with Elio's playgroup buddies. Four babies, Elio, Emma, Theron, and Andrew, celebrated their birthdays. The weather was gorgeous, the food plentiful, and the babies mostly happy. You'll have to forgive us for taking so many Elio-eating-cake photos. But it's his first birthday! And there's that cute pointy hat!

There were banners!


I made birthday presents for the babies...

We don't have a picture of it, but Elio also achieved a milestone of standing by himself for a long time. He was hanging on a blanket with Charlie, watching Charlie stand independently, and I think he wanted to do it to. So Dan stood him up, took his hands away, and Elio stood there for over 15 seconds! If he can combine that skill with his love for cruising around the house with his wagon walker thing, then we'd have walking!

Here's Elio sitting on me a couple of days ago during a picnic in CW ...

Here's a video of us trying to get all the babies together for a group photo. Baby chaos!


Anonymous said...

The balls are awesome - did you sew and decorate, or just decorate them?

hellolua said...

sewed and embroidered 'em myself! thanks for the compliment! it involved lots of pin pricks. i'm surprised they aren't spotted with blood!

Stacey Pelika said...

I love the video - all the photos look adorable, and then you turn on the video and are hit by the cacophony that is a zillion babies in the same place!

Edwards & Hernandez said...

love all the pictures! love the balls... you are so talented. Happy 1st Momversary!

micheliny verunschk said...

Linda festa! Nossa, como passa rápido, não?

Parabéns, Elio!!!!

Micheliny, Nina e Ricardo

thixotropy said...

Wow--that video brought on tears of laughter, made my evening. Also, I love the embroidered balls, lovely work!