It's not even Halloween yet, but Elio's already gone out as the busy bee twice, at our regularly scheduled Thursday playgroup and at a costume party on Saturday.
Elio's had lots of visitors recently -- both sets of grandparents came to dote on him.
Also... today is Elio's five month birthday. In the last couple of weeks, he's figured out how to roll over from his stomach to his back. It's only a matter of time before he's crawling around and demanding solid food. It goes by so fast!
Oh, we're very excited around here about Elio's Halloween costume. I've been hard at work on it... and the only things remaining to do are finishing putting some glitter on the wings and duct taping them on. But here are some preview shots of the busy bee.
Dan's folks are in town, and we all trundled off to the pumpkin patch to get a pumpkin for the pumpkin. Nevermind that it was about 85 degrees out and just didn't feel like fall... the pumpkin had a good time.
Last Saturday, we took Elio to Richmond for the National Folk Festival. He grooved to Grupo Fantasma and seemed pretty content to drool all over the Bjorn.
So, no, I really can't stop myself from taking pictures. Here's the little guy rocking out in his orange fuzzi bunz, coordinating nicely with the fabulous blanket my friend Leora made for him.
I can't imagine there are too many people out there interested in seeing four, no, make that five, pictures of Elio napping... but I keep looking at him napping and thinking he looks so sweet, so I grab the camera. And then once I've taken the pictures, I have to do something with them. And so here they are. And I think they're adorable. He's napping on the couch next to me right now as I post this. I'm fighting the urge to take yet another picture.
And, no, he doesn't always nap on the couch. But when he does, I'm likely to take a picture...