Wednesday, January 30, 2008

8 Months Old!

Yesterday was Elio's 8-month birthday. He's two thirds of the way to being a year old. Neat, huh? In honor of the event, here are way too many pictures ...

Pure glee:

Sporting ridiculously cute Marimekko overalls:

Playing with the little yellow block, check out the eyelashes!

All bundled up to go out:

Being generally cute:

It's been slightly warmer here this week, so yesterday I bundled Elio up and took him for a walk in Colonial Williamsburg (or, "CW" if you're in the know).

Practicing his drumming skills some more:

Eating one of Dan's rejection letters:

Elio and me:

We've been working on solid foods. He's refusing to eat anything I try to give him on a spoon, but seems pretty interested in feeding himself. He's not efficient at it, but he sure is intent. Here he is chasing after a slippery piece of mango:

And, eating his absolutely favorite thing, a 'teething biscuit.' He's a (breast)milk and cookies kind of kid.

1 comment:

Sparky said...

good lord that is one happy baby! i can't wait to meet him! so cute.