Monday, September 22, 2008

Two days at the playground (plus storytime!)

The weather has gotten so much nicer around here lately, and we've been taking advantage of it by taking Elio to the playground. He's a little suspicious of the swings, but he likes everything else, particularly watching other kids and going up and down the stairs over and over. 

For those of you we haven't already told, we've had a sleeping miracle occur. Elio is now capable of falling asleep all by himself at night. It's fabulous. Before going to bed, many stories are read. Tonight, Dan read a story to Elio, and Elio made sure Gus the monkey (made by the very talented Olivia) got to hear it too.


micheliny verunschk said...

Quando vocês vierem ao Brasil, estaremos morando em São Paulo novamente. Não deixem de nos visitar lá!! said...

I can't get over how much he looks like you, Laura. SO CUTE!!