Saturday, March 7, 2009

Mardi Gras stragglers

Here are the last few pictures we have from Mardi Gras.

Walking to a parade one afternoon, we passed this house. How pretty, no?

At the Thoth parade on Sunday, we were dangerously close to Whole Foods. Elio and Mose lost interest in the parade for a bit while they tried to figure out how to best attack this container of brownies.

Finally, brownie victory!

Post-parade... who thought that spears and tomahawks would be good throws to give to little kids?! Elio's spear is being safely stored in the trunk of the car until he's older.


Unknown said...

So glad to see Elio got to the brownies. Dan's video was a real cliffhanger.! said...

I LOVE those WF two bite brownies!

So, they were actually throwing spears at your kid? Only in NO. Last time I was there I saw some kids playing one of those claw machine games. You know, the kind that usually contain stuffed animals? Instead it had this:! said...

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