Sunday, August 26, 2007

Sprouting giraffes / Brotando jirafas e mais

Sprouting giraffes... and none too happy about it.
Brotando jirafas...e não está gostando.

So mad! (I think this is one of my most favorite pictures of him EVER).
Tanta raiva! (Eu acho esta foto uma das minhas preferidas).

He's also cute from the back...
É bonitinho também de costas.

And, cute feet.
E pezinhos fofos.

Starting to lift himself up ...
Começando levantar-se ...

Mad king of the laundry basket...
O rei louco da cesta...

With Thomas Jefferson at the farmer's market...
Com Thomas Jefferson na feira...

In a parking lot...
No estacionamento...

On the counter...
No balção...

Late late late at night, partystyle...
De madrugada, com estilo rasta...

Kyle took this one of the worried sleeper...
Minha amiga Kyle tirou esta foto do dominhoco preocupado...


Unknown said...

I can't get enough! I probably check Elio's blog more frequently than any others because I just can't wait to see what new pics are up. He's so freakin' CUTE!

Saw Jarrett Brown at a wedding a few weeks ago here in Mercersburg. He sends his best to you guys!

Edwards & Hernandez said...

he so cute! his expressions are awesome! watch out. there is no way I could tell him no with that face...

Rose Mary said...

Oi Elio vc tá crescendo muito rápido hein? tá um menino cheio de atitude, tô gostando de ver! qdo será que agente vai se ver, já te amo mesmo de longe, grande beijo de Tia Mary!!!!!!!!!!

kylenapoli said...

The more I look at the worried sleeper photo, the more I think he's about to break into an aria. Given his lung capacity, maybe this is a hint at his future??