Thursday, February 14, 2008

Such a busy little guy

Elio's basically crawling! He's still a little shaky, but he can do it. Fun fun. Movies coming soon.

In the meantime, here he is hanging out on the quilt I made for him:

In addition to crawling, he's pulling himself up on things. And he's pulling his socks off.

In excited anticipation of voting last Tuesday, Elio really seemed to be taking in Obama's message:

Last Friday, Elio went for a picnic with Andrew, Emma, and Lily. He was fascinated by a seed pod thing he found.

He's reading up on Italian cooking:

And helping with the laundry:


casey said...

i love him pontificating on what floats. looks like he's got the girls going gaga already.

hellolua said...

i know! i feel like subtitling that picture "the little professor" or thinking up captions for what all the little babies are saying/thinking. obviously elio has some thoughts about things that float and things that don't float.