Thursday, February 28, 2008

Cute title goes here.

Here's Elio happily playing with my phone:

And here he is letting me know how sad it made him when I took it away. I tried to distract him with some other toys, but he wasn't buying it. Does it make me an awful mom that I took a few pictures of the fussing before picking him up??? See, folks, he's not always as happy as the pictures make him out to be. But he is still cute, huh? (Also, note in the background the container barrier -- that's our cheapo alternative to baby gates. So far it's working to keep the little explorer contained.)

In a truce with the Captain. As long as he stayed on his side of the blanket, she was okay...

The inevitable discovery of the kleenex box:


This appears to be the exact age where Elio and Dan have the same hairline.


Grandpa Dan said...

OH - he is just toooo cute - even when he is mad/sad!! Love it.

kylenapoli said...

Does it make me a bad auntie if I think the pouty photos are some of the best so far??

Edwards & Hernandez said...

ahh, I remember the days of being able to contain. He is so cute!

Sparky said...

between the hairlines (amazing), the captain (how generous of her), and the pouting (what a delightful lip-curl), i think you should win a photo award! see you on THURSDAY.

leora said...

It's a good thing you don't live in Texas anymore; I would have eaten your baby by now. He looks totally yummy!