Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Oh, the humanity

He's like a ninja with those yardsticks.

In other Elio news, he's got three teeth coming in right now. About time we upgraded from four!

Here's a short movie of Elio demonstrating musical aptitude.

Here's Elio dancing to the newest Captain Bogg and Salty album (and consuming some other music in his own way).

I hope you don't think this makes us look like bad parents... but it was just too funny to watch Elio try to eat hot hot salsa like his Dad.


mo'b said...

That is hilarious. And if it's cruel, I blame it all on listening to Mahler.

Elio dancing makes sounds that are impressively similar to E.T.!

casey said...

i love elio

micheliny verunschk said...

oh, beautiful boy!

red.hot.mamma! said...

I hope this doesn't make me a bad person, but I could watch baby reacting to hot salsa all day. So hilarious!

Unknown said...

I like the intermittent kitty tail

kylenapoli said...

I scared Nico off my desk I was laughing so hard! Can't believe he went back for seconds.