Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Surprise Grandparent Visit!

Dan went out of town last week for a job interview and conference, and I was lucky enough to have his parents come visit and help with Elio.

After Dan got back into town on Sunday, the whole family crowded into the bathroom to give Elio a bath, an activity he really loves (note that he now has enough hair for a shampoo mohawk!).

Grandpa Sam made sure to capture the fun on video...

Elio figured out how to climb over our container barrier, and seemed awfully proud to do it! So Sam and Jan helped me totally rearrange the living room and set up baby gates to make everything more Elio-proof. I think Elio misses the climbing, though, so I might bring some of the containers back out just for fun.

Here's a video of Grandpa Sam giving Elio a little cart ride:

1 comment:

Sparky said...

oh my gawd the mohawk is something else! and what a smile! and are those robot pjs? holy smokes, i need some of those!!!!