Monday, April 14, 2008

This week in Elio...

Elio's been teething like crazy -- he's got two top and two bottom teeth coming in, and there seems to be a lot of discomfort. But he's hanging in there, and finding time to be photogenic. Here he is at playgroup two weeks ago ... he was mighty interested in Charlie's whirligig toy thing:

My mom came to visit for a few days and she and Elio got along smashingly.

Elio's big eyes. Do you think he has a future in cell phone advertisements?

Our recently installed baby gates have been a challenge to Elio. But he's been problem-solving ways to get over them...

Last Friday Elio and I met up with some other moms and babies for a little picnic in CW. Elio rocked his sun hat for the first time.

When Elio started pulling himself up to standing, I immediately bought him this walker wagon thing that I'd been coveting because it's so cute. Of course, he wasn't really ready to use it then, but now he is! He LOVES walking across the room with it!

1 comment:

Sparky said...

i like the rearrange! and he looks like he's rocking out at a festival or something! miss you guys!!!!!!!