Sunday, November 2, 2008


We were so delighted with our Halloween costumes -- Elio was Joe Biden, his buddy Mose was Obama, and Justin, Edie, Dan and I were secret service agents. Justin has blogged about the evening much more charmingly that I can, and we've even gotten placement on a fun Barack Obama blog -- yes, we can (hold babies), which is super fun.

Elio and Mose took their roles seriously: here they are studying up by watching the Obama infomercial a few days before Halloween.

The candidates get ready.

3 comments:! said...

Soooooo cute!

Unknown said...

Where to I vote for Best Costumes...Ever?!?

Jamie: said...

Hey Dan, Laura and Elio! Those costumes are awesome! How clever! And I love that you made the Obama holding babies blog. So cute (people say some very silly things don't they?) : )