Thursday, November 6, 2008

Oh, happy day!

I wish I had pictures of us celebrating Tuesday night... but these will have to suffice to capture our happiness with President-Elect Obama! Here's Dan bringing Elio out of the voting booth:

It's not the best picture ever, but here's a picture of my voting screen, and, if you look close, you can see the little green "x" lit up by Barack Obama's name. I was so giddy about casting my vote -- I wanted to have a bunch of people in the voting booth with me, all of us happy and laughing and joyful. But you go into that voting booth alone, and I had a quiet moment of feeling proud and hopeful all by myself. And then I exited the booth and Dan and I told Elio about what a great thing was going to happen to our country that day. I'm so glad that his first conscious memories of the U.S. President are going to be of Obama!

(Also, isn't it cute that the Louisiana ballot has the little donkey and elephant pictures on it?)


Justin said...

And what about that cute Green Party image?

hellolua said...

Yeah... I couldn't really figure out what it was from my blurry picture. Help?

Sparky said...

Doesn't it just feel so good???