Monday, June 4, 2007

1 comment:

Grandpa Dan said...

These are great!!! Can't wait to come back and meet him in person. This is the first time his eyes are really open in the photos - dark blue!!!

Here are comments from Rosa in Siena Italy:
Buongiorno Dan e Nancy,
mi ha fatto molto piacere ricevere questa bella notizia: siete diventati
Grazie anche per avermi inviato le foto del bambino: и molto bello!!!
Spero che un giorno avremo la possibilitа di incontrarci e trascorrere
un po di tempo tutti insieme.
Nel frattempo invio tanti, tanti auguri.
Un abbraccio forte a tutti voi, Rosa.

and from Viviana in Cosenza Italy:
Congratulation! What a beautiful new baby! We are happy that you have choosen an italian name, I believe someday you will talk with Elio about your italian family (and his italian family!). I send all my congratulation to your family, give a big kiss to the baby as soon as you will see him. Love, Viviana